• June 3, 2002

    Changes made:

    • All new format for importing many different file types (fmt_bitmap.c, and other files)

    • Image and Minutia structures rewritten

    • Fixed compilation in Linux gcc


  • May 5, 2002

    A flowchart of FVS is now available for download click here to download it in PDF format. I should have made it before I started the project but I didn't. This will give everyone an idea of how FVS should work. I hope that this will explain better what I want FVS to be.

  • April 29, 2002

    Jaap de Haan has come through once again. Here are the new changes:

    • Make thin run 7 times faster

    • Added file.c and image.c

    Also Diego Zuccato helped to fix the Makefile.

  • April 3, 2002

    Jaap de Haan (aka Binaryman) has made a few improvements to the code. The following changes have been made:

    • Easier to read code, tabs added for better spacing

    • The Image structure has then just one pointer to a byte array.

    • Uses old Unix convention (appending _t)


  • March 25, 2002

Added a message board to the site allowing message and discussions to be posted. If there are more specific categories that you want besides general (such as programming, bugs, etc) please contact me and I will add it.

I have made a few changes to the source and will be making a new release available soon. I have also come up with an idea to add degree measure to minutia matching for better accuracy. As soon as I am done I will post the new source on the cvs repository.  

  • February 24, 2002

Yesterday was PJAS (Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science) and I made my presentation on FVS, so I decided to make a special release available of the source. Its the PJAS release. I have also added the powerpoint presentation online. Click here to download or goto to the download page. Change made to the code are as follow:

  • Changed Match_Part1 to work faster.

  • Thinning a bit optimized thanks to Jaap de Haan.

Also the mailing list is up and working to join Click Here.

  • February 13, 2002

    Source code has been released and is available on SourForge's CVS server. Goto Download page for instructions on how to download from CVS server.

    This is the first release and is not perfect. There are many things that must be changed and corrected. The source is not very neat but you can get the general idea. Here is what my immediate plans are:

    • Rewrite Makefile to compile into library

    • Rewrite Match_Part1() so that it works faster

    • Rewrite Thin() to work faster

    • Add rotation; Match_Part2 is actually rotation but it did not work out.

    Help with any of the above items would be greatly appreciated.

    I have provided 3 sample fingerprints for basic testing. To create your own applications follow code in main.c, for opening images that are not BMP (or if using fingerprint scanner) look through bmp.c to learn how to add pixel values to struct Image. I will soon write documentation on how it works. Also look forward to a PowerPoint (if you want another format e-mail me and I try to put that up as well)  presentation on fingerprint verification coming within a week or so. 

  • February 5, 2002

    I have launched the site today. Not much but I did it very quickly. If you recognize the logos or the format of the page that is because if has been taken from webGFX.ch, a special thanks to them. If I had more time I would design my own layout, but for now this will have to do. Also a special thanks to SourceForge.net for hosting this site. I am doing some testing to FVS and will make the source available soon.

    I need some help make the makefile (no pun intended), I would look it up myself but if anyone has the time to help me out it will be greatly appreciated. I need it to compile the source into a library and install it to the default lib directory. Also it has to cross compatible. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.